in relationships
on campus
in the community
MySafety is a program created for students at The University of Melbourne.

University students are at increased risk of having an unwanted sexual experience.
It’s also common for them to get into relationships where they feel unsafe. Some students worry about their own behaviour in relationships or have pressured someone else into having sex.

When these things happen, it’s really important to get help early.
The problem is that many students don’t realize that what has happened to them, or what they have done to someone else, is not OK.
Nobody talks about it
It’s hard to know where to get help.
Problems get worse.

Looking for some help?
This website is for students at The University of Melbourne who are worried about something that happened during sex, who are concerned about their relationship, or are trying to help a friend. It is a safe, inclusive space.
It is completely anonymous.
It can help you to reflect on things that have happened, make decisions about what to do next, and find out what help is available. Ready to learn more?
Let's get started